Monday, 27 April 2009

Theory and History of Art

I'm theory and history of art's student. I'm cursing, right now, the 3th year of my career. I don't like it so much . But I must be here. We must pick a career. We must be professionals servants of this corrupt world.
Difinitely I prefeer to be a self-taught person. I was learn more by my-self or by other people than a institutional teachers
Why i'm studying this career? Because this career give me time, the precious time for write. I like so much the literature. I was study literature before. But I dont liked how teach it in the university.
I dont want contribute to this rotten world. I would like change it. But I can't, now.
Like Rimbaud wrote:
"Now I am accursed, I detest my native land. The best thing is a drunken sleep, stretched out on some strip of shore."

That's the cuestion. And I dont know just where i'm going


  1. Heya. Good quotations !
    I share some reasons with you, but, after all, I like to study this. I think I can learn some things that I couldn't by other ways and I like the 'garden' to talk and drink some beer.

  2. Hi rodo, its great that even tought you dont like too much this carrer you do wath you like
    send you a big hug

  3. hello rodo
    As you, i also have a strange relationship with the career..
    but i have decided that i'll study dance next, or nextnext year..
    see you en los pastos
